LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker

Lori English Licensed Social Worker

Do you feel as if you are not satisfied with life and what is around you?

Do you question everything and do not feel worthy in some way

True Happiness is found when you are ready to take the steps and ask yourself honest questions. Are you Ready to Be Honest?


 We all go through our lives and ask questions about feeling happy. But, in the pursuit of Happiness, in the Western world, is this considered self-centered to want to feel satisfied? 

Several researchers and positive mental health workers have argued this point for over a decade.


Authentic happiness is not gauged on the amount of money, your career, or the car you drive.

Learn to give to others, say thank you, and do things that bring you Happiness.

A huge part of having sustained happiness is the ability to see yourself fully!

Make mistakes and learn from them. Don’t judge yourself so hard and the people around you.


 This study included teenagers compared to adults and different cohorts. The data found that 18-29-year-olds have fairly stable happiness. 

Although this is just a study sample, what makes this age group, and what do you think made them experience Happiness? Is the way we look at ourselves at a certain age?

Tips to Increase Feeling Happy

If you are willing to look at yourself and ask honest questions, you can get the results of your life.

 Do you take time for yourself and spend time doing hobbies?

  1. Do you make achievable goals that you can start small and increase as they are achieved?
  2. Do you use self-talk and practice affirmations such as” I can do anything I put my mind to.” I am worthy of success.



In the process of finding static or fixed happiness, you can do practical things that you enjoy, hobbies, spend time with your children, read a book, or take a walk.

 Seven Tips For Finding Happiness

  1. Take care of yourself by eating well.
  2. Get enough sleep and be quality sleep.
  3. Take Time to Play and have hobbies besides working.
  4. Take a vacation or a day trip just to get away and experience nature.
  5. Visit a friend and be in the company of others that make you feel good.
  6. Be Grateful for what you do have, and do not compare yourself to others
  7. Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them daily.

In the last part of this article, I wanted to include that if you want to be happy whether you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a mansion on the water, Happiness is a state of mind, and you can find skills that can make you happy.

Remember, you are more resilient than you think!


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About Me

My name is Lori English and I’m a licensed social worker for over fifteen years and worked with many different types of people in day programs and mental health systems. My experience working with people is what drives me to empower others to reach their true potential.
In the process of developing my practice, learning productive, helpful, and cutting-edge research allows me to work with you individually and give you the best treatment, which includes mental health coping skills and integration of mindfulness.

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The Ultimate Path To Happiness by Lori English

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