LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker

Lori English Licensed Social Worker

There is Always a Better Way

Create a life that looks good on the inside, not one

that just looks good on the outside

Welcome To Psychological care

Top level physiotherapy professional, evidenced based treatment. We diagnose the cause and provide you with the best possible treatment. Duas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident, similique sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollitia animi, id est laborum et dolorum fuga. Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio.

About Me

I am a licensed social worker who is passionate about helping others find their passion and decrease anxiety, and worked in the field of mental illness and substance abuse.
I worked in a facility closely with a caseload of twenty- five people that were diagnosed with mental illness such as bi-polar, anxiety disorders, and substance abuse.

My experience gave me the ability to diagnose client’s and we worked together on an individual treatment plan that would benefit them.

Having a place that was safe for client’s to go to meetings that I loved to facilitate such as Cognitive behavioral, Dialectical behavioral, and I conducted a meeting on Anxiety treatment.

Having a passion to help others is what I love, and see them recover and change their whole life is a beautiful feeling.

My practice includes working with anxiety disorders, and I worked with anxiety disorders, Panic Disorder, and Obsessive Compulsive Disorders

Education- Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey, Master Of Social Work with Clinical and Families,

Georgian Court University-Lakewood New Jersey, Bachelor of Social Work with families and Children.

I work with clients specifically who have anxiety and work towards learning coping skills and therapeutic ways to integrate the best treatment with your specific way of learning.

Working together on a plan which will work on limited beliefs you have, and learn to understand why you are anxious.

I work with clients specifically who have anxiety and work towards learning coping skills and therapeutic ways to integrate the best treatment with your specific way of learning.





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Best in class psychiatric therapy conducted in traditional
and the most advanced methods


Popular Therapy Services


Stress and worry are common emotional responses experienced by individuals in various situations, often as a result of challenging circumstances or uncertainties in life.


Family difficulties are complex challenges or conflicts that arise within a family unit. These issues can vary widely in nature and severity and may encompass various aspects of family life.

Holistic Therapies

These therapies consider the whole person, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. They can include acupuncture, yoga, meditation, and massage therapy.

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Understanding your Brain

Mature Development .01

The best contact you will get
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Anti-anxiety Treatments .02

The best contact you will get
here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Antipsychotic Medications .03

The best contact you will get
here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Mature Development .04

The best contact you will get
here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Anti-anxiety Treatments .05

The best contact you will get
here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Antipsychotic Medications .06

The best contact you will get
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Contact Info

Need to discuss before treatment?
We’re here to help and answer any question you might have. We look forward to hearing from you


Client’s Testimonials

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Who we are?

We are a dedicated team of compassionate professionals committed to making a positive difference in the lives of individuals, families, and communities. With years of experience in the field of social work, we bring expertise, empathy, and unwavering support to those who need it most.
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List of Features

Better Facilities

To attract and retain talented individuals in the field of social work, it's essential to provide better facilities and support.

Trained Professional Doctors

Trained professional doctors" refers to medical professionals who have completed extensive education, training, and certification to practice medicine.

Why Us?

Successful Stories

A Journey to Recovery: Sarah and Dr. Patel
Sarah and Dr. Patel Geller’s story:
Sarah had always been an active and adventurous person, but a sudden health crisis turned her world upside down. She was diagnosed with a rare autoimmune disorder that left her feeling weak and defeated. Desperate for answers, she embarked on a journey to find the right doctor to help her regain her strength and vitality.

Enter Dr. Patel, a compassionate and skilled rheumatologist. From their first meeting, Sarah knew she had found someone who not only possessed medical expertise but also had a genuine interest in her well-being. Dr. Patel took the time to listen to Sarah’s concerns, fears, and goals, and he assured her that they would work together to find the best treatment plan.

Over the months that followed, Sarah and Dr. Patel built a strong doctor-patient relationship based on trust, open communication, and shared decision-making. Dr. Patel explained the complexities of her condition in simple terms, making sure Sarah was actively involved in her care.

Couples therapy

Therapy for couples who are experiencing relationship problems.

Family therapy

Therapy for families who are experiencing conflict or other challenges.


Livingston, NJ

222 Lakewood Road, Neptune,
New jersey 07753


Livingston, NJ

222 Lakewood Road, Neptune,
New jersey 07753


Livingston, NJ

222 Lakewood Road, Neptune,
New jersey 07753


Livingston, NJ

222 Lakewood Road, Neptune,
New jersey 07753


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