LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker

Lori English Licensed Social Worker

        Seven Ways to Decrease Anxiety
  1. This technique is excellent when you are up at night and your anxious thoughts begin.
File Technique” It’s called this because the first thing you will do in your bed is Please close your eyes and think of a desk where you are putting a file with a name on it. Once You think of the name of the file, you are putting away, take a minute and acknowledge the racing thought. Repeat the process until you leave all the files and name them or get sleepy. In the “File Technique, you are acknowledging your feelings and taking time to name the triggers.
  1. Triggers-Learning to recognize your triggers or what makes your nervous system react to Flight-Freeze- is highly beneficial for grounding yourself during anxiety.
  2. Are they Going to Judge Me?
  3. What Makes me feel anxious about the situation?
  4. You know you are meeting with a person who usually judges your appearance; note how they are using their wording.
  5. Do you have to meet with this person daily?
  6. Am I judging them? Be aware of Your emotions as well.
  1. Exercise and jogging are excellent ways to decrease anxiety and burn extra energy.
You can change exercises weekly and keep yourself motivated. Jogging is good for 5 minutes a day to start. You can pay attention to your breathing as you begin the exercise.  
  1. Mindfulness and Visualization-
 Mindfulness can help you tremendously by being in the moment. Mindfulness is being aware of where you are, here and now. You can use this daily in every aspect of your life. Mindfulness practice is done with consistency and short term in the beginning. Being mindful of your thoughts will inspire you and keep you calmer. You can start with a mindful practice of breathing. Breathe in for 5 seconds. Let it out for 4 seconds. Sit with an intention. Repeat for as long as you can.  
  1. Grounding Techniques- Utilizing grounding can help you with the five senses: sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, and smell.
An example of the grounding technique is *Humming a tune. *Drinking a cold beverage. *Listening to a bird chirp.   Sound- *Listen to a ticking clock. *Blast a tune you love. *Read a Book Out loud.         Touch-        *Run your hands through cold water. *Feel the texture of a raisin or fruit. *Hold ice cubes and let them melt in your hand.   Sight-       *Watch a Movie/Tv You Enjoy. * Read a book. *Do a puzzle. *Make a craft or paint.       Smell- *Smell a flower. *Put an Oil Lavender scent on your wrist. *Smell food. *Smell the air coming from the ocean.   Taste- *Tasting a sweet fruit.  
  1. Keep a daily Journal of Your Thoughts That Cause Anxiety.
*Write in the journal how you feel when you become anxious. *What caused you to feel anxious? Where were you when you felt anxious? *Were you making a judgment about someone? *Were you thinking about something in the past or the future?   Keeping a journal is very helpful when recognizing how and when you become anxious.   Writing Naturally and not worrying about how it sounds. You can carry it with you and write notes.  
  1. Guided Imagery
*Is a happy, peaceful setting that you imagine or is real that makes you feel calm and use the five senses. *Guided Imagery is a stress management technique. * Close your eyes if you are comfortable. *Imagine a calm forest, a magical mountain, or a calming flow of a stream. *Imagine a path leading you to that place and see yourself walking. *Breath in the calm air and begin to relax. *Focus on the part of the body, such as the hand, back, or leg, and imagine the calmness through your body. *You can make your own guided imagery or use an app such as Insight timer. Relaxing and coping with anxious thoughts are essential to leading a happy life. You can overcome anxiety by working on practical ways and modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and changing thoughts. You can work with a licensed social worker or a professional that can teach you professional skills and anxiety techniques. Leaving a life without anxiety can be done if you are willing to work and learn about yourself. The “Seven Ways to Decrease Anxiety and Increase Grounding” is a small part of how to treat anxiety. Disclaimer If you have an anxiety disorder and feel completely anxious, seek help from a trained therapist. All the Best, Lori English Licensed Social Worker. Mindfulness Life Coach. Join me on your journey to wellness. Contact me @https://Lorienglishlifecoaching.com Instagram-LorienglishMindfulness.com. Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Lorienglishlifecoach

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About Me

My name is Lori English and I’m a licensed social worker for over fifteen years and worked with many different types of people in day programs and mental health systems. My experience working with people is what drives me to empower others to reach their true potential.
In the process of developing my practice, learning productive, helpful, and cutting-edge research allows me to work with you individually and give you the best treatment, which includes mental health coping skills and integration of mindfulness.

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Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. By Lori English.

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