LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker

Lori English Licensed Social Worker


Grounding is a technique used to help when dealing with anxiety, trauma, worries, and flashbacks.

Grounding practice in panic attacks can be beneficial when someone is going through a difficult emotion.

Using grounding for panic attacks can decrease the overall attack by grounding the person at the moment and allowing them space to gather themselves.


If you are diagnosed with Post-traumatic Syndrome or trauma, you can lose time and feel a sense of not “really being present.”

Acknowledging your emotions takes courage and living with trauma can promote flashbacks, anxiety, and other mental symptoms.

Practice grounding techniques can help you in dealing with difficult emotions.

  1. Mental Grounding – Describe all the colors that you see are they white, blue, black?
  2. Categories game that types of dogs, cats, cars, letters of the alphabet.
  3. Describing a meal or your dinner such at first, I peeled a potato; the I peeled garlic the scent was strong.
  4. Imagine-Use your imagination and this of a time when you were happy and peaceful.

” Medical News Today” states that grounding  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grounding-techniques#when-to-use.


Sensory Grounding is a technique used to connect the body and environment by producing a relationship to the earth.

The way to connect the body to earth is walking on the land, and some people walk barefoot to ground themselves.

A connection of grounding yourself through a sensory process helps you recognize your thoughts without being overwhelmed.

Describe an environment where you live and continue to be aware of the sounds, objects, textures,  smells, and sites you see.

  • Look at the trees and the branches, the rings around the trees.
  • Take a look at the sky is it cloudy or sunny?
  • Describe the environment in great detail using your senses and feeling your body touching the ground.
  • Is the ground cold do you feel your feet dig deeper in there?
  • People hug the trees and fee the earth, Is this seem strange to you?

The amygdala, an emotional processor of the brain, is also down-regulated when attention is diverted to sensory experiences.

There is another brain resource that feeds emotional thoughts, and the grounding technique takes those resources away from the amygdala.


The 5-4-3-2-1 method IS used by many practitioners and is helpful when it comes to grounding.

An article was written By” Well and Good” describes the process of grounding.


The method of 5-4-3-2-1 is basically calling you away from stress and grounding you at the moment.

Using the tips can help you focus on other things to distract your mind when you are facing a tough emotion.

A key aspect of the sensory grounding technique is the 5 common senses. Taste and olfaction are at the end. Olfaction, the sense of smell, is a powerful emotional stimulus.

It has a greater potential to stimulate a new train of emotional processing in the brain which might over-ride the existing emotional state.

Effectively, this furthers the disengagement process we talked about previously. Looking, hearing, and touching, are relatively neutral.


People who have experienced trauma may find themselves feeling hyper-vigilant, irritable or 

Grounding skills are especially helpful in bringing your body back to homeostasis.

The more present you are in your body, the calmer and safer you will feel.

You can close your eyes and pay attention to what happens in your body when you practice each of these grounding skills.


Grounding the human body can challenge you to make changes that can decrease your pain tolerance.

An article was written by the “Huffington Post, “Benefits of Grounding the Human Body.”

Deepak Chopra describes that healing takes place when you ground yourself at night and cortisol levels are reduced.

Participants who contributed to a study diagnosed with diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and other inflammatory diseases practiced grounding and the results were phenomenal.

Let me explain.

The pilot study was with 14 people and used to sleep when cortisol hormone secretion is supposed to decrease.

What Does Science Say About Grounding?

Grounding in nature is a way people are interested in, and science reports that spending time in nature can reduce Cytokines in the body, which are inflammation markers.

Reducing inflammation in the body can decrease the body’s cells and inflammation is decreased.

When you work together with your body-mind, a connection is formed firmly together.

An article was written by https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/.

Using grounding mats, patches, blankets help develop grounding skills.

The effects of grounding are specific in nature when science uses research to describe the effects of grounding and using certain techniques.

A study was performed by the ‘National Institute of Mental Health.” (NIMH)  states that grounding techniques and wellness can increase your health overall.

The group of participants who used grounding techniques such as blankets, patches, and walking on the soil or earth had decreased white blood cells and recovered quicker.

Grounding in science can help you heal faster and is used for many different types of pain.


By Grounding the mind you are able to guide the client through an exercise of/ fear/anger.

*Showing the client what has happened in the past and allowing him/her to describe it to you.

*Say, You’re in a safe place now and try to slow down your breathing.

What are you feeling in your body right now? The client will describe pain, shaky, or anxiety.

Distract  Client from the Painful Emotional States

If you are facing a lot of pain from trauma or post-traumatic stress syndrome then distraction can help.

Mental illness and trauma use grounding to help clients walk away from powerful and painful emotions for a time until they are better equipped to cope.

Somatoform sensory events can help the client by touching a chair, getting up, wiggling.

Practicing these techniques allow you to focus on something concrete until you can calm strong emotions.Use your time wisely and make decisions that can help you with taking time to show yourself love and compassion.


Ask the client to practice breathing through their nose and out the mouth, and repeat.

By repeating breathing and practicing mindfulness, you can calm the body and mind it allows you to become centered.

Breathing and mindfulness allow you to calm your nervous system down.

Using techniques such as grounding, mindfulness, and other types of mind-body connections enhances your strength and resilience.

Grounding can help you by thinking of different things ways to describe what you see.

Count backward from a hundred.

Name all your family members and their children.

By distracting yourself at the moment


Grounding the human body can influence your health and mental health.

Using the body as a plank or a stabilizer to balance your emotions adapts your mind to a calmer sense of stability.


Grounding With Your Client.

Ask the client what she observes and ask what  they are feeling and describe it.

By giving a client a way to decrease their anxiety and guided through a little meditation  can slow down their anxious thoughts.


There are many ways to deal with difficult emotions such as mindfulness, therapy, and distraction.

Using grounding as a technique can benefificial for you to learn to become aware of your feelings.

Using  grounding as a tool is beneficial to all that have strong emotions and deal with trauma.

You can learn to practice this in times of anger and be aware of your emotions.

Step back from the situation and you will learn to understand your emotions and how to work them.

You can work through trauma and difficult emotions because you will have the tools necessary to heal


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About Me

My name is Lori English and I’m a licensed social worker for over fifteen years and worked with many different types of people in day programs and mental health systems. My experience working with people is what drives me to empower others to reach their true potential.
In the process of developing my practice, learning productive, helpful, and cutting-edge research allows me to work with you individually and give you the best treatment, which includes mental health coping skills and integration of mindfulness.

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How to Ground Yourself Through Difficult Emotions

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