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This page is Amazing

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MINDFULNESS: How to Calm Your Breathing with Mindfulness. https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/mindfulness-how-to-calm-breathing-and-reduce-stress-by-lori-english/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/mindfulness-how-to-calm-breathing-and-reduce-stress-by-lori-english/#respond Thu, 25 May 2023 10:04:23 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1177 You feel as if you are expericencing anxious thought   Mindfulness Begins In 1979, Jon Kabat Zinn began taking his chronically ill patients with physical problems in his clinic and combined mindfulness practice with medicine. ( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed with a mindset of helping people stay in the moment and helping to […]

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You feel as if you are expericencing anxious thought


Caption Is displaying Relaxing and Practicing Mindfulness.

Mindfulness Begins

In 1979, Jon Kabat Zinn began taking his chronically ill patients with physical problems in his clinic and combined mindfulness practice with medicine.

( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed with a mindset of helping people stay in the moment and helping to remove stress.

Research suggests that applying mindfulness along with meditation can improve focus.

If you struggle with focus, clarity, and consistency, practicing mindfulness can help you develop a plan for clarity.

  • Mindfulness is suitable for clarity, focus, and balance.
  • Mindfulness in relationships can improve communication skills and understanding of emotional regulation.
  • Practicing mindfulness will help your mind from wandering.
  • Mindfulness is practiced together with breathing exercises is affective.

According to the ( NICABM), the National Institute for Clinical Application Of Behavioral Medicine, practicing mindfulness and other integrated treatments can enhance positive thoughts.

In 2018, a study was conducted by Harvard Medical School using the practice of Mindfulness in a research program with crippling depression.


Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD, sifted through nearly 19,000 meditation studies, and they found 47 trials that addressed issues and met their criteria for well-designed studies. Their findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggest mindful meditation can help ease psychological stresses like anxiety.


Breathing and mindfulness is a practice that has been used with many practitioners, health organizations, and mental health facilities.

Allowing yourself to feel the breath as you inhale and exhale is practicing mindfulness and paying attention to what you are feeling in the moment.

Box breathing, which is extremely helpful with anxiety and calming down the central nervous system, is used by professionals.

Police officers, nurses, navy seals, and other professionals used boxed breathing.

Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, involves exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and beginning the pattern.

  • Let out all the air in your lungs to the count of four.
  • Keep your lungs empty for a count of four.
  • Inhale for a count of four.
  • Keep your lungs full for a count of four.


Diaphragmatic Breathing is mainly used which describes deep, abdominal breathing, consisting of bringing air to the lower parts of the lungs and using the muscles of the diaphragm.

  • Lie on a flat surface (or in bed) with your knees bent. You can use a pillow under your head and knees for support if that’s more comfortable.
  • Place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your belly below your rib cage.
  • Breathe slowly through your nose, letting the air in deeply towards your lower belly. The hand on your chest should remain still, while the one on your belly should rise.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and let them fall inward as you exhale through pursed lips.
  • Put your hand on your belly, which should move down to its original position.


Breathing Techniques and Mindfulness

  • Breathing with intention and using a specific mantra is helpful when learning mindfulness and breathing.
  • Use visualization tools such as meditation differences in your body, mind, and soul.
  • Exploring nature can inspire you to find mindfulness and become aware of the moment.
  • Be aware of your surroundings and exploring and being in the moment.

If you are thinking of regrets and the past thoughts that are negative or taking up space in your head.

The mind enjoys excursions and fantasies; however, if you’re constantly in a fantasy world, you cannot see the benefits of living in the present.

Practicing mindfulness and meditation allows you to calm your scattered thoughts and reactions.

How Mindfulness Creates Balance

Balance is critical to having a healthy life. Practicing mindfulness helps with many aspects of your life, including mood, focus, and health.

Medical News Today last year linked mindfulness to better blood pressure control and improved effectiveness of opioid use disorder treatments. Previous research has also suggested that mindfulness may help lower symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Anxiety is an emotion that you think will ” Never” or ” Always” be that way, but knowing and paying attention mindfully, you can decrease anxiety with mindfulness practice.

Easy Tips To Start Mindfulness Practice.

Before you start your mindful practice, could you decide when you want to create and make a commitment?

In the beginning of  practicing mindfulness, use this time to sit and exhale twice and breath through your nose to calm your mind by the first time you begin your practice.

Use you breath and come back to the center, and continue to breath and experience the moment you are in.

Shift your attention, then to the thoughts and emotions you are experiencing. Allow each thought to enter without judgement.

Keep practicing daily and keeping a journal of your experience can help you understand you emotion responses.

Benefits of Mindfulness

  1. Start your day in the shower, and notice where your mind is headed. Take head of this in the beginning of your day.
  2. At work, it’s easy to become mindful take a breath and recognize the task you are doing at your computer.
  3. You can focus on a calm place, make yourself a calm corner in your house where you feel the most relaxed and fill it with your favorite items such as candles, hanging plant’s,  and a place that is relaxing.
  4. Driving you can become aware by paying attention to the way you are driving. Making sure your paying close attention.
  5. Paying attention walking and exploring nature, looking at trees, birds, and grass.
  6. Mindful eating is another way by giving attention to your food, and attention to chewing and tasting it.
  7. Pay attention to breathing as you are walking.
  8. Creating new experiences can increase your conscience mind, and you can learn more effectively.
  9. Remind yourself that practicing mindfulness helps you relieve stress, focus, and will increase productivity.
  10. Make mindfulness a way of life by practicing daily.

Now that you have the benefits of mindfulness, breathing, and learning to practice and have the tools to start your practice.

The benefits are endless and practicing daily is recommended. Try Mindfulness and see the difference in your mental and physical he


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The Ultimate Path To Happiness by Lori English https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/the-path-to-authentic-happiness/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/the-path-to-authentic-happiness/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 10:21:14 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1184 Do you feel as if you are not satisfied with life and what is around you? Do you question everything and do not feel worthy in some way True Happiness is found when you are ready to take the steps and ask yourself honest questions. Are you Ready to Be Honest? DO YOU WANT TO […]

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Do you feel as if you are not satisfied with life and what is around you?

Do you question everything and do not feel worthy in some way

True Happiness is found when you are ready to take the steps and ask yourself honest questions. Are you Ready to Be Honest?


 We all go through our lives and ask questions about feeling happy. But, in the pursuit of Happiness, in the Western world, is this considered self-centered to want to feel satisfied? 

Several researchers and positive mental health workers have argued this point for over a decade.


Authentic happiness is not gauged on the amount of money, your career, or the car you drive.

Learn to give to others, say thank you, and do things that bring you Happiness.

A huge part of having sustained happiness is the ability to see yourself fully!

Make mistakes and learn from them. Don’t judge yourself so hard and the people around you.


 This study included teenagers compared to adults and different cohorts. The data found that 18-29-year-olds have fairly stable happiness. 

Although this is just a study sample, what makes this age group, and what do you think made them experience Happiness? Is the way we look at ourselves at a certain age?

Tips to Increase Feeling Happy

If you are willing to look at yourself and ask honest questions, you can get the results of your life.

 Do you take time for yourself and spend time doing hobbies?

  1. Do you make achievable goals that you can start small and increase as they are achieved?
  2. Do you use self-talk and practice affirmations such as” I can do anything I put my mind to.” I am worthy of success.



In the process of finding static or fixed happiness, you can do practical things that you enjoy, hobbies, spend time with your children, read a book, or take a walk.

 Seven Tips For Finding Happiness

  1. Take care of yourself by eating well.
  2. Get enough sleep and be quality sleep.
  3. Take Time to Play and have hobbies besides working.
  4. Take a vacation or a day trip just to get away and experience nature.
  5. Visit a friend and be in the company of others that make you feel good.
  6. Be Grateful for what you do have, and do not compare yourself to others
  7. Set realistic goals for yourself and work towards them daily.

In the last part of this article, I wanted to include that if you want to be happy whether you live in a one-bedroom apartment or a mansion on the water, Happiness is a state of mind, and you can find skills that can make you happy.

Remember, you are more resilient than you think!

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Trauma: Buiding New https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/private-building-resilience-through-trauma-by-lori-english/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/private-building-resilience-through-trauma-by-lori-english/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 10:09:07 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1180 Distinctive Ways to Overcome Trauma and Rise.

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Distinctive Ways to Overcome Trauma and Rise.

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How to Ground Yourself Through Difficult Emotions https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-to-ground-yourself-through-difficult-emotions/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-to-ground-yourself-through-difficult-emotions/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 09:14:56 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1166 GROUNDING TECHNIQUES: BALANCING DIFFICULT EMOTIONS WITH PEACE OF MIND. Grounding is a technique used to help when dealing with anxiety, trauma, worries, and flashbacks. Grounding practice in panic attacks can be beneficial when someone is going through a difficult emotion. Using grounding for panic attacks can decrease the overall attack by grounding the person at […]

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Grounding is a technique used to help when dealing with anxiety, trauma, worries, and flashbacks.

Grounding practice in panic attacks can be beneficial when someone is going through a difficult emotion.

Using grounding for panic attacks can decrease the overall attack by grounding the person at the moment and allowing them space to gather themselves.


If you are diagnosed with Post-traumatic Syndrome or trauma, you can lose time and feel a sense of not “really being present.”

Acknowledging your emotions takes courage and living with trauma can promote flashbacks, anxiety, and other mental symptoms.

Practice grounding techniques can help you in dealing with difficult emotions.

  1. Mental Grounding – Describe all the colors that you see are they white, blue, black?
  2. Categories game that types of dogs, cats, cars, letters of the alphabet.
  3. Describing a meal or your dinner such at first, I peeled a potato; the I peeled garlic the scent was strong.
  4. Imagine-Use your imagination and this of a time when you were happy and peaceful.

” Medical News Today” states that grounding  https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/grounding-techniques#when-to-use.


Sensory Grounding is a technique used to connect the body and environment by producing a relationship to the earth.

The way to connect the body to earth is walking on the land, and some people walk barefoot to ground themselves.

A connection of grounding yourself through a sensory process helps you recognize your thoughts without being overwhelmed.

Describe an environment where you live and continue to be aware of the sounds, objects, textures,  smells, and sites you see.

  • Look at the trees and the branches, the rings around the trees.
  • Take a look at the sky is it cloudy or sunny?
  • Describe the environment in great detail using your senses and feeling your body touching the ground.
  • Is the ground cold do you feel your feet dig deeper in there?
  • People hug the trees and fee the earth, Is this seem strange to you?

The amygdala, an emotional processor of the brain, is also down-regulated when attention is diverted to sensory experiences.

There is another brain resource that feeds emotional thoughts, and the grounding technique takes those resources away from the amygdala.


The 5-4-3-2-1 method IS used by many practitioners and is helpful when it comes to grounding.

An article was written By” Well and Good” describes the process of grounding.


The method of 5-4-3-2-1 is basically calling you away from stress and grounding you at the moment.

Using the tips can help you focus on other things to distract your mind when you are facing a tough emotion.

A key aspect of the sensory grounding technique is the 5 common senses. Taste and olfaction are at the end. Olfaction, the sense of smell, is a powerful emotional stimulus.

It has a greater potential to stimulate a new train of emotional processing in the brain which might over-ride the existing emotional state.

Effectively, this furthers the disengagement process we talked about previously. Looking, hearing, and touching, are relatively neutral.


People who have experienced trauma may find themselves feeling hyper-vigilant, irritable or 

Grounding skills are especially helpful in bringing your body back to homeostasis.

The more present you are in your body, the calmer and safer you will feel.

You can close your eyes and pay attention to what happens in your body when you practice each of these grounding skills.


Grounding the human body can challenge you to make changes that can decrease your pain tolerance.

An article was written by the “Huffington Post, “Benefits of Grounding the Human Body.”

Deepak Chopra describes that healing takes place when you ground yourself at night and cortisol levels are reduced.

Participants who contributed to a study diagnosed with diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus, Multiple Sclerosis, and other inflammatory diseases practiced grounding and the results were phenomenal.

Let me explain.

The pilot study was with 14 people and used to sleep when cortisol hormone secretion is supposed to decrease.

What Does Science Say About Grounding?

Grounding in nature is a way people are interested in, and science reports that spending time in nature can reduce Cytokines in the body, which are inflammation markers.

Reducing inflammation in the body can decrease the body’s cells and inflammation is decreased.

When you work together with your body-mind, a connection is formed firmly together.

An article was written by https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4378297/.

Using grounding mats, patches, blankets help develop grounding skills.

The effects of grounding are specific in nature when science uses research to describe the effects of grounding and using certain techniques.

A study was performed by the ‘National Institute of Mental Health.” (NIMH)  states that grounding techniques and wellness can increase your health overall.

The group of participants who used grounding techniques such as blankets, patches, and walking on the soil or earth had decreased white blood cells and recovered quicker.

Grounding in science can help you heal faster and is used for many different types of pain.


By Grounding the mind you are able to guide the client through an exercise of/ fear/anger.

*Showing the client what has happened in the past and allowing him/her to describe it to you.

*Say, You’re in a safe place now and try to slow down your breathing.

What are you feeling in your body right now? The client will describe pain, shaky, or anxiety.

Distract  Client from the Painful Emotional States

If you are facing a lot of pain from trauma or post-traumatic stress syndrome then distraction can help.

Mental illness and trauma use grounding to help clients walk away from powerful and painful emotions for a time until they are better equipped to cope.

Somatoform sensory events can help the client by touching a chair, getting up, wiggling.

Practicing these techniques allow you to focus on something concrete until you can calm strong emotions.Use your time wisely and make decisions that can help you with taking time to show yourself love and compassion.


Ask the client to practice breathing through their nose and out the mouth, and repeat.

By repeating breathing and practicing mindfulness, you can calm the body and mind it allows you to become centered.

Breathing and mindfulness allow you to calm your nervous system down.

Using techniques such as grounding, mindfulness, and other types of mind-body connections enhances your strength and resilience.

Grounding can help you by thinking of different things ways to describe what you see.

Count backward from a hundred.

Name all your family members and their children.

By distracting yourself at the moment


Grounding the human body can influence your health and mental health.

Using the body as a plank or a stabilizer to balance your emotions adapts your mind to a calmer sense of stability.


Grounding With Your Client.

Ask the client what she observes and ask what  they are feeling and describe it.

By giving a client a way to decrease their anxiety and guided through a little meditation  can slow down their anxious thoughts.


There are many ways to deal with difficult emotions such as mindfulness, therapy, and distraction.

Using grounding as a technique can benefificial for you to learn to become aware of your feelings.

Using  grounding as a tool is beneficial to all that have strong emotions and deal with trauma.

You can learn to practice this in times of anger and be aware of your emotions.

Step back from the situation and you will learn to understand your emotions and how to work them.

You can work through trauma and difficult emotions because you will have the tools necessary to heal

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Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. By Lori English. https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/seven-constructive-ways-to-decrease-anxious-emotions-in-the-moment-by-lori-english-msw/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/seven-constructive-ways-to-decrease-anxious-emotions-in-the-moment-by-lori-english-msw/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 06:07:33 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=2279         Seven Ways to Decrease Anxiety– This technique is excellent when you are up at night and your anxious thoughts begin. “File Technique” It’s called this because the first thing you will do in your bed is Please close your eyes and think of a desk where you are putting a file […]

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        Seven Ways to Decrease Anxiety
  1. This technique is excellent when you are up at night and your anxious thoughts begin.
File Technique” It’s called this because the first thing you will do in your bed is Please close your eyes and think of a desk where you are putting a file with a name on it. Once You think of the name of the file, you are putting away, take a minute and acknowledge the racing thought. Repeat the process until you leave all the files and name them or get sleepy. In the “File Technique, you are acknowledging your feelings and taking time to name the triggers.
  1. Triggers-Learning to recognize your triggers or what makes your nervous system react to Flight-Freeze- is highly beneficial for grounding yourself during anxiety.
  2. Are they Going to Judge Me?
  3. What Makes me feel anxious about the situation?
  4. You know you are meeting with a person who usually judges your appearance; note how they are using their wording.
  5. Do you have to meet with this person daily?
  6. Am I judging them? Be aware of Your emotions as well.
  1. Exercise and jogging are excellent ways to decrease anxiety and burn extra energy.
You can change exercises weekly and keep yourself motivated. Jogging is good for 5 minutes a day to start. You can pay attention to your breathing as you begin the exercise.  
  1. Mindfulness and Visualization-
 Mindfulness can help you tremendously by being in the moment. Mindfulness is being aware of where you are, here and now. You can use this daily in every aspect of your life. Mindfulness practice is done with consistency and short term in the beginning. Being mindful of your thoughts will inspire you and keep you calmer. You can start with a mindful practice of breathing. Breathe in for 5 seconds. Let it out for 4 seconds. Sit with an intention. Repeat for as long as you can.  
  1. Grounding Techniques- Utilizing grounding can help you with the five senses: sound, sight, smell, taste, touch, and smell.
An example of the grounding technique is *Humming a tune. *Drinking a cold beverage. *Listening to a bird chirp.   Sound- *Listen to a ticking clock. *Blast a tune you love. *Read a Book Out loud.         Touch-        *Run your hands through cold water. *Feel the texture of a raisin or fruit. *Hold ice cubes and let them melt in your hand.   Sight-       *Watch a Movie/Tv You Enjoy. * Read a book. *Do a puzzle. *Make a craft or paint.       Smell- *Smell a flower. *Put an Oil Lavender scent on your wrist. *Smell food. *Smell the air coming from the ocean.   Taste- *Tasting a sweet fruit.  
  1. Keep a daily Journal of Your Thoughts That Cause Anxiety.
*Write in the journal how you feel when you become anxious. *What caused you to feel anxious? Where were you when you felt anxious? *Were you making a judgment about someone? *Were you thinking about something in the past or the future?   Keeping a journal is very helpful when recognizing how and when you become anxious.   Writing Naturally and not worrying about how it sounds. You can carry it with you and write notes.  
  1. Guided Imagery
*Is a happy, peaceful setting that you imagine or is real that makes you feel calm and use the five senses. *Guided Imagery is a stress management technique. * Close your eyes if you are comfortable. *Imagine a calm forest, a magical mountain, or a calming flow of a stream. *Imagine a path leading you to that place and see yourself walking. *Breath in the calm air and begin to relax. *Focus on the part of the body, such as the hand, back, or leg, and imagine the calmness through your body. *You can make your own guided imagery or use an app such as Insight timer. Relaxing and coping with anxious thoughts are essential to leading a happy life. You can overcome anxiety by working on practical ways and modalities such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and changing thoughts. You can work with a licensed social worker or a professional that can teach you professional skills and anxiety techniques. Leaving a life without anxiety can be done if you are willing to work and learn about yourself. The “Seven Ways to Decrease Anxiety and Increase Grounding” is a small part of how to treat anxiety. Disclaimer If you have an anxiety disorder and feel completely anxious, seek help from a trained therapist. All the Best, Lori English Licensed Social Worker. Mindfulness Life Coach. Join me on your journey to wellness. Contact me @https://Lorienglishlifecoaching.com Instagram-LorienglishMindfulness.com. Facebook- https://www.facebook.com/Lorienglishlifecoach

The post Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. By Lori English. appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.

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Anxiety: How Does Mindfulness Decrease Anxiety Symptoms? https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-practicing-mindfulness-can-decrease-anxiety-by-lori-english-2/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-practicing-mindfulness-can-decrease-anxiety-by-lori-english-2/#respond Wed, 24 May 2023 00:57:03 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=3054 How Practicing Mindfulness Decreases Anxious Symptoms. ( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed, helping people stay in the moment but reducing stress and opening up space to heal. Research suggests that Mindfulness and meditation can help focus better and improve clarity. If you struggle with focus, clarity, and consistency, practicing mindfulness can help you develop […]

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How Practicing Mindfulness Decreases Anxious Symptoms.

( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed, helping people stay in the moment but reducing stress and opening up space to heal.

Research suggests that Mindfulness and meditation can help focus better and improve clarity.

If you struggle with focus, clarity, and consistency, practicing mindfulness can help you develop a plan for clarity.

    • Mindfulness improves communication skills by being in the moment.
    • The Practice of mindfulness is used with other modalities to improve concentration and focus and decrease anxiety.
    • Using Mindfulness and self-compassion in personal relationships can help communicate kindly.


Johns Hopkins University In Baltimore Trial. 

Nearly 19,000 meditation studies were found in 47 trials that addressed those issues and met their criteria for well-designed studies. Their findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggest mindful meditation can help ease psychological stress, such as anxiety.

The benefit of breathing and mindfulness is a practice that is around and used by many practitioners, health organizations, and mental health facilities.

Box Breathing.

Police officers, nurses, navy seals, and other professionals used box breathing. Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, involves exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and beginning the pattern.

  • Let out all the air in your lungs and count to four.
  • Keep your lungs empty for a count of four.
  • Inhale for a count of four and let it out slowly.
  • Keep your lungs full for a count of four and then release fully.


Diaphragmatic breathing is mainly used to describe deep, abdominal breathing, consisting of bringing air to the lower parts of the lungs and using the diaphragm muscles.

  • Lie on your back on a flat surface (or in bed) with your knees bent, and you can use a pillow under your head and your knees for support if that’s more comfortable.
  • Place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your belly, below your rib cage.
  • Breathe slowly through your nose, breathing deeply towards your lower belly.
  • The hand on your chest should remain still, while the one on your stomach should rise.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and let them fall inward as you exhale through pursed lips.


Benefits of Mindfulness

  1. Start your day with a breathing exercise that you choose to practice.
  2. You can focus on creating a calm place to relax, light candles, and become mindful.
  3. Relax, take a few deep breaths in your mouth, and let it out through your nose.
  4. Paying attention to breathing and learning techniques can help you decrease anxiety.
  5. Explore nature, birds, trees, and nature’s beauty.
  6. Creating new experiences can increase your conscience mind, and you can learn more effectively.
  7. Mindfulness helps with awareness of triggers and how you respond to other people and their reactions.






The post Anxiety: How Does Mindfulness Decrease Anxiety Symptoms? appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.

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Anxiety: Being Mindful Decreases Anxious Symptoms. https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-practicing-mindfulness-can-decrease-anxiety-by-lori-english/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-practicing-mindfulness-can-decrease-anxiety-by-lori-english/#respond Wed, 10 May 2023 19:36:32 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1799 Practicing Mindfulness Can Decrease Anxiety Symptoms.   ( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed, helping people stay in the moment but reducing stress and opening up space to heal. Research suggests that Mindfulness and meditation can help focus better and improve clarity. If you struggle with focus, clarity, and consistency in your life, practicing Mindfulness […]

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Practicing Mindfulness Can Decrease Anxiety Symptoms.
Anxiety Symptoms and Photo


( MSBR) Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction was formed, helping people stay in the moment but reducing stress and opening up space to heal.

Research suggests that Mindfulness and meditation can help focus better and improve clarity.

If you struggle with focus, clarity, and consistency in your life, practicing Mindfulness can help you develop a plan to have clarity.

    • Mindfulness improves communication skills by understanding reactions to each other.
    • The practice of Mindfulness brings some assemplence to your day.
    • Using Mindfulness and self-compassion in personal relationships can help communicate kindly.


Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore Trial. 

Nearly 19,000 meditation studies were found in 47 trials that addressed those issues and met their criteria for well-designed studies. Their findings, published in JAMA Internal Medicine, suggest mindful meditation can help ease psychological stress, such as anxiety.

The benefit of breathing and Mindfulness is a practice that is around and used by many practitioners, health organizations, and mental health facilities.

Boxed Breathing

Box breathing which is extremely helpful with anxiety and calming down the central nervous system, is used by professionals.

Police officers, nurses, navy seals, and other professionals used box breathing. Box breathing, also known as four-square breathing, involves exhaling to a count of four, holding your lungs empty for a four-count, inhaling at the same pace, and holding air in your lungs for a count of four before exhaling and beginning the pattern.

  • Let out all the air in your lungs and count to four.
  • Keep your lungs empty for a count of four.
  • Inhale for a count of four and then
  • Keep your lungs full for a count of four and then release.


Diaphragmatic breathing is mainly used to describe deep, abdominal breathing, consisting of bringing air to the lower parts of the lungs and using the diaphragm muscles.

  • Lie on your back on a flat surface (or in bed) with your knees bent, and You can use a pillow under your head and your knees for support if that’s more comfortable.
  • Place one hand on your upper chest and the other on your belly, below your rib cage.
  • Breathe slowly through your nose, breathing deeply towards your lower belly.
  • The hand on your chest should remain still, while the one on your stomach should rise.
  • Tighten your abdominal muscles and let them fall inward as you exhale through pursed lips.


How Mindfulness Creates Balance 

Practicing Mindfulness helps with many aspects of your life, including mood, focus, and health. Previous research has also suggested that Mindfulness may help lower symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Allow each thought to enter without judging them and letting them appear as they are.

Benefits of Mindfulness

  1. Start your day with a breathing exercise that you choose to practice
  2. You can focus on a calm place, make yourself a quiet corner in your house and add candles.
  3. Relax and take a few deep breaths in through your mouth and let it out through your nose.
  4. Paying attention to the breath can calm anxiety.
  5. Explore Nature, birds, trees, and Natures beauty.
  6. Creating new experiences can increase your conscience mind, and you can learn more effectively.
  7. Mindfulness helps with being aware of triggers and how you respond.
  8. You will become focused and less restless when practicing Mindfulness.

The benefits are endless, and practicing daily is recommended to get the best results.

Practicing breathing techniques are essential for Your clarity and being in the moment.

Mindfulness and Changed Thoughts

The way you focus on

The post Anxiety: Being Mindful Decreases Anxious Symptoms. appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.

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Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/seven-constructive-ways-to-decrease-anxious-emotions-in-the-moment-by-lori-english-msw-2/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/seven-constructive-ways-to-decrease-anxious-emotions-in-the-moment-by-lori-english-msw-2/#respond Wed, 10 May 2023 19:36:30 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=2277 The post Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.


The post Seven Constructive Ways to Decrease Anxious Emotions in The Moment. appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.

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Self Compassion: How Practicing self Compassion https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-does-self-compassion-radically-change-your-entire-life-by-lori-english/ https://lorienglishsocialworker.com/how-does-self-compassion-radically-change-your-entire-life-by-lori-english/#respond Wed, 03 Aug 2022 09:54:17 +0000 https://lorienglishlifecoaching.com/?p=1173 “  I found in my research that most people aren’t self-indulgent. They believe self-criticism is what keeps them in line. Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says to be hard on ourselves.”   ~ Kristen Neff~ How are you talking to yourself with kindness, or are you using critical self-talk? Self Compassion involves being […]

The post Self Compassion: How Practicing self Compassion appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.


“  I found in my research that most people aren’t self-indulgent. They believe self-criticism is what keeps them in line. Most people have gotten it wrong because our culture says to be hard on ourselves.”   ~ Kristen Neff~

How are you talking to yourself with kindness, or are you using critical self-talk?

Self Compassion involves being kind to yourself by demonstrating forgiveness, talking with kindness, and not judging your mistakes.

Inner self-talk is important because it’s how you are talking to yourself, and that can make a difference in the way you express your emotions.


Self-compassion skills can be learned and are essential to your physical and mental health.

Harvard psychologist Christopher Germer, in his book “The Mindful Path to Self Compassion” explains there are a few ways of bringing Self-compassion to your body.

  1. Comfort Your Body- Eat Something Healthy. Lie down and massage your body lightly.
  2. Write a Letter to Yourself- Describe a situation that caused you to feel pain, such as a breakup, mental, emotional, or situation, without blaming anyone.
  3. Give Yourself encouragement-  If something wrong happens to you, say to yourself what you would say to a good friend.
  4. Practice Mindfulness- This is a nonjudgemental observation of your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

An article written by Christopher Germer and Kristen Kneff describes how mindfulness and Self-compassion can change your life through

Check this Out-


  • Self Compassion is being completely honest with yourself and can be very difficult for some.
  • Acknowledging that you feel pain, however, you are not judging it is good or bad.
  • Say to yourself “ I may be suffering right now, but other people are suffering as well.”  We all make mistakes it is part of the human experience.
  • Treating yourself with loving-kindness can help you forgive others,  and be kinder to yourself.
  • You can learn a lot by understanding how you treat yourself is important “.
  • An exercise that works well is putting your hand on your heart and saying “ I may be hurting say a kind word such as I am deserving of feeling better and entitled to make mistakes.


  1. Give yourself a break when you make a mistake, and be kind, gentle, and forgiving.
  2. Don’t beat yourself up because you engaged in something once, and say  I will never do this again.
  3. Use meditation to become in touch with your feelings and be mindful of your emotions.
  4. If you are treating yourself with self-compassion it will be apparent if and when you make a mistake you can talk kindly to yourself, instead of beating yourself up with negativity.
  5. Being in the present and not thinking about the mistakes you made in the past is beneficial for treating yourself well.

Many people dehumanize homeless people and don’t realize many of them had jobs and 

Showing kindness towards another human being is practicing self-compassion and is healthy for our society and the world we live in today.

You learn to accept that we all have days that are not always happy, but you don’t have to be hard or difficult with yourself.


Many of us were influenced by our parents, caregivers, or teachers or were taught when we didn’t do well to beat ourselves up, however, this is farthest from the truth.

Being kind to yourself when you make a mistake is healthier and showing self-compassion to yourself will empower you.

Talk to you with positive statements that will encourage you, and allow you to move past what was.

By asking these questions to yourself you can write down in a self-compassion journal answers.

How do you feel when you are cut off from other people when things go wrong?

Try doing the exercise where you put your hand on your heart and take a deep breath in and out.

Our culture does not empathize with self-compassion, instead, it teaches us that we are not good enough.


Although there is a lot of research being performed on self-compassion as a society we need to come together and show all people it is normal to make mistakes, and not beat yourself up.

Moving forward as a society we can work together with family systems, schools, and professional mental health workers to encourage others to practice self-compassion and mindfulness.

Teach children that their value is not based on their career, but on the way, they treat themselves and kindness to others.

You were taught many ways which were modeled as a child, However, you can change them if they are not effective for you today as an adult.

Five ways Practicing Self Compassion

  1. Tell yourself if you make a mistake and you feel guilty, it’s a learning experience. 
  2. Write down kind words about yourself such as loyal, truthful, kind, and what makes you unique.
  3. Keep a self-compassion journal  about being kind and treating yourself with respect.
  4. Put your hand on your heart and say a mantra or repeat a positive statement, I am worthy of respect.
  5. Forgive yourself easy and let go of past mistakes and move forward.

The art of self-compassion is used with mindfulness to explore positive ways to treat yourself better.

The post Self Compassion: How Practicing self Compassion appeared first on LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker.

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