LoriEnglish Licensed social Worker

Lori English Licensed Social Worker


Individual Therapy


Areas of specialty for individual therapy:

  • Relationship issues or dating patterns that lead to unsuccessful, or “dead-end” romances
  • Contemplating or recovering from a difficult break-up or divorce
  • Dealing with infidelity (past or present) and betrayal
  • Setting boundaries with a romantic partner or feeling codependent
  • Physical intimacy and sexual fulfillment
  • Gay/Lesbian/Bi-sexual/Transgender Issues
  • Difficulties encountered in the dating scene and navigating successful ways to find a partner

Other areas of focus:

  • Finding relief from depression, anxiety, and past hurts
  • Learning how to reduce and cope with stress
  • Unpacking family of origin issues
  • Cultivating positive self-worth and self-acceptance
  • Managing life transitions, such as going to college, relocating, changing jobs, getting married, deciding to have children, and separation/divorce
  • Career and professional development

We often feel unhappy with our current situation or unsure about how to get to the next step in our lives. I strive to meet you where you are at in each and every session, while

helping you to find direction and move forward. My practice involves encouraging and challenging clients to identify and build upon their strengths to create positive changes in their lives.

Lori English
licensed social Worker

Contact me on my social media handle.

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